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in intercultural education

"World Without Hate – Youth for Human Rights"


Hate speech is now mainly spread online and easily crossed borders. Danish Mohammed cartoons have been published in one country one day and sparked global protests the next. Therefore hate speech cannot be combatted in a single country. Young people and youth organisations need to act together to prevent and reduce occurrences of hate speech. Combating hate speech is only possible if human rights are duly respected. Human Rights are everybody’s rights and business. Education is also everybody’s right and a need for more quality education arises and is demanded every day, while generations change day by day also. This is the main added value of the whole project proposal. To feel European, youth must become aware of the fact that they play a role in the construction of the current and future Europe. Therefore, the project’s European dimension does only allow them to "discover" Europe by learning about the importance of human rights in the EU, but also - and most importantly - aim to build it, by giving participants a voice in discussing the importance of human rights for EU-Europe-World co-operation.

Based on the preparatory process trainers and project partners (preceded by a needs analysis in partner organisations), we have established the following project objectives:

  • increasing the competences of youth leaders, youth workers and educators in the field of anti-hate speech activism and Human Rights Education;

  • training participants in using the ‘Compass’ Manual for HRE for anti-hate speech activities;

  • mainstreaming anti-hate speech and HRE methods in youth work and developing future HRE-related projects in partner countries;

  • linking European anti-hate speech activities with local campaigning on human rights;

  • increasing the international dimension of youth work, notably with reference to human rights education;

  • assuring a long term, sustainable increase in quality of partner organisations’ work with combating hate speech and human rights issues.

This project involves partners from Ghana, India, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Turkey and Macedonia.

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